Monday, November 24, 2008

Doctor Who Christmas Special "The Next Doctor" Preview from Children In Need 2008

Do not know how long this will be up, so enjoy while you can... =8-)

UPDATE: Looks like the clip has been removed from Youtube. If you still want to see it, try searching for "Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008".

Ridley Scott To Direct ‘Monopoly’ Movie

This smells of desperation on Hollywoods part... Who knows? Maybe it'll actually be half decent, but I'm not holding my breath...
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In one very interesting bit o’ news, it has been officially announced that Ridley Scott will direct a movie for Universal Pictures based on the board game Monopoly.

No word yet on the plot or who, if anyone, will play the iconic white-mustached man. My guess is that it won’t really look like Monopoly at all, which is why this project is hard to imagine. Best bet is that you’ll have a created story based in the world of real estate investments, maybe with mention of Park Place once or twice. Either that, or the city of Monopoly will be attacked by a gigantic metal doggy. Cloverfield style.


The script is written by Pamela Pettler, who also wrote Monster House and Corpse Bride. Along with Ridley Scott, Hasbro’s Brian Goldner will produce.

Should be very interesting to see how this one plays out.

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George W. Bush's "Missions Accomplished"

This would be funnier if it were not so true...
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Amazing Lightning Strike Caught on Video

Dangerously schweet.
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Irony Poster

For the record, I don't believe anyone ever deserves to be set on fire. With that said, I lmao when I saw this. hehehehe
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Irony 01 by goda02.

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A new ADHD addiction?

So, I just setup Clipmarks, tied it to my Blogger blog, and setup to route my Blogger posts to We'll see how it works out...
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Clipmarks - What are you finding on the web?
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